Shadow Hatha Yoga Group & Individual Tuition Classes
07968 697103
An Oasis of calm in the hustle and bustle of Dalston.
Dalston Yoga is a home-grown venture which has been running since 2004. With small bespoke classes led by an intuitive and deeply knowledgeable teacher, it offers a wide and open space for cultivating and exploring your practice.
Class numbers are limited to ten people per class to ensure individual attention.
Please call 07968 697103 or email to book and check availability as these classes get full quickly
Single class – £15 pay per class
6 – class card – £78 – one class a week valid for 6 weeks
8 – class card – £96 – two classes a week valid for 6 weeks
Foundation course
The Foundation Course runs over six consecutive weeks, one class per week. This is recommended for beginners and those new to Shadow Yoga who have attended only a few yoga classes elsewhere. The course introduces a set of warm up movements and some basic stances. The steady and regular practice cultivates flexibility whilst also building strength. The Foundation course is limited in size to eight people to ensure that at this early stage each student has individual attention.
IF you are interested in attending a Foundation weekend, four classes over the two days, please email me and leave your details once, I have a small group of 4-5 people I will run the course and can advise on dates
the next FOUNDATION COURSE will start
MONDAY JANUARY 27TH 2025@ 7.15 pm
Cost : £90 one class per week
The course fee is payable one week before start date. The fee is non-transferable or refundable once a course has started. Cancellation prior to the course will be fully refunded.
General Yoga I
These intermediate classes are suitable for students who have attended the Foundation Course and wish to eventually progress to the more complex and challenging General II classes. In these classes the base that the Foundation Course provided is built upon. Here we will cultivate stength, stamina and promote the quality of the breath. This class is taught in rolling six week blocks to encourage consistency and confidence in the student. To attend this class you need to have completed a least one Foundation Course and commit to attending once a week.
General Yoga II
Classes focus on the first two Preludes -Balakrama and Chaya Yoddha. Suitable for those who have completed a Foundation Course and attended the General I class or students coming from another yoga school who have a consistent practice. Classes include stance work, seated postures, cultivation of the breath through the practice of uddiyana and guided relaxation.
General Yoga III
This is an advanced class for student who have a good understanding of the first two preludes. The focus of the class is on the Third Prelude- Kartikkeya Mandalam and the seated postures associated with this prelude.
Individual tuition
Individual tuition is available upon request.This is ideal for students:
– with busy schedules
– with specific requirements (ie injuries, pregnancy)
– who are more comfortable learning alone
These one to one classes can be structured to meet individual needs and accommodate differences in learning styles.There is some early morning availablity and weekend time slots..
the cost for a one to one class is £55 per hour
or for block bookings of six classes £300 (£50 per hour )
Shower available on request.
Feldenkrais Method is taught in group classes often called Awareness Through Movement. ATMs. Lessons are often taught on the floor or sitting. The teacher talks you through a series of movements that are repeated and explored. The movement sequences promote an awareness and engagement with your own internal sensations. The increased awareness can bring about improved movement and coordination, releasing tension and ingrained movement patterns
Shadow Yoga Workshop
Please register your interest by emailing